Marvelous Monday!

I was pleasantly surprised to receive an early birthday celebration from my new hire class! They brought balloons, a beautiful card, my favorite cupcakes and because I spend most of my lunch at Target, a $80 gift card! It was so very thoughtful and I really appreciate it.


Then my sister asked did I want to go to lunch, so we met up and she treated, which is a win! While lunching and because she knew I had been looking at some UGG’s, she asked did I want that to be my birthday and Christmas gift (the curse of a Christmas Eve birthday), of course I said yes, and she proceeded to order them right then and there on her iPhone at the lunch table lol!


After work I was meeting a friend for Dinner and the birthday celebrating continued, because she treated at our favorite Thai spot!


I had a Marvelous Monday, how was yours?

This entry was posted in Birthday, Cheers, Christmas, Cupcakes, Dinner, Family, Friend, Holiday. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Marvelous Monday!

  1. Single Ma says:


  2. The Pro Diva says:

    Ummm….yeah! Your Monday was quite fabulous! 🙂

  3. LaShawn says:

    You got the chocolate Uggs??? I want them…..

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