The BEST HOMECOMING Ever – Tuskegee University (OVERDUE)

Sadly, this post has been in my drafts since 11/6/12, but the same still applies.

I had the pleasure of attending the best Homecoming Ever – Tuskegee University. Not too long ago, Serenity asked do you take your significant other to Homecoming and it seems this is a big deal, seeing as though Curtis Bunn wrote a book entitled Homecoming Weekend and part of the story line was the same scenario. When it was asked via Twitter I responded that I had been going to my husband’s homecoming with him since before we got engaged. Now, it was apparently a big deal that my husband, back then my boyfriend to ask me to come, because I still remember sitting on his lap in the hospitality suite and sharing a drink with him and the paparazzi was all up in our faces snapping pics! That was so crazy! I still get tickled when I think about it, but his fraternity brothers had never seen him that serious about anyone apparently and definitely not bringing them around to Homecoming.

Well, fast forward to this year, (it’s now 2014) I’ve been going to Homecoming every year for the last 6 years and it’s the Best Homecoming Ever, the best HBCU ever and this was something totally different for me. I didn’t attend a HBCU or participate in Homecoming. My undergraduate university doesn’t even have a football team. Now, my husband on the other hand, is a third generation graduate and legacy Alpha man. His Grandfather attended TU, as did his parents, who by the way met at this prestigious university which was Tuskegee Institute when they attended and got married there the day after graduation. His aunt and his cousin attended there as well, all from Houston, TX, except for his Dad who is from Birmingham.

Here are some pics of Homecomings past, visits to the campus and just representing the BEST HBCU ever:

From the pics you can tell we have a damn good time! So, imagine my surprise when my husband told me he didn’t want to go this year?! The Hell?! Well, ok, I’m going! I made me a hotel reservation and he told my Mother-in-Love I would be there. I reached out to a Soror that would be traveling there and she and I went back and forth a couple of weeks, still not believing that my husband was not going. On a Friday night, a week before Homecoming, at the ninth hour, after asking that man again was he sure he wasn’t coming, I canceled my reservation so that I could room with my Soror. I worked 1/2 day, went home packed, and got on the road. A key was left for me at the front desk, so I made a pit stop in Montgomery, AL to drop my luggage off at the hotel and then headed to campus to meet my Mother-in-Love and my Soror who had found each other on campus and we had a ball!

Here are pics from this year (2012):


My Mother-in-Love & Soror!

On Friday while walking on the Ave, I recognized GradyDoctor’s Mom! That was so funny, because I could only remember the name that she calls her on the blog, so I proceeded to walk up to her, greeted her by that name and introduced myself and told her I read her daughter’s blog. She then introduced me to her husband and I called my Mother-in-Love over and talk about awkward, because I had to admit to her I didn’t know her real name lol. She made the introductions and my Mother-in-Love went to school with her husband, they both recognized each other. I inquired about their daughter and they told me she would be arriving the next day. Well, the next day, I ran into her sisters and still not her! I once again, introduced myself and they realized it was me that stopped their Mom on the Ave lol, so JoLai, the younger sister suggested we take a pic:


GradyDoctor’s Sister, JoLai

JoLai and I immediately started following each other on Twitter and Instagram, she’s cool peeps.

Then later, I finally ran into GradyDoctor, aka Kimberly! It was AWESOME!



She was so nice! She called my curls luscious! I loved it lol. She was celebrating her 20th Deltaversary and I didn’t hold that against her :). My best friends are Deltas lol. Her blog is great, I have truly learned valuable information from her. And also I love the love that she and her family have for each other.

Now, this year, just last weekend actually, I attended homecoming again and I now think my husband is jealous because I have so much fun at his homecoming! Ohs, and wells! Here are the pics from this year:



Drink Token


My fav Gamma Kappa Soror, next to my Mother -in-Love!

This was my roomie for the weekend and we kicked it at homecoming 2012 when my husband backed out of going. The party don’t stop with me lol!


Charter Member of Gamma Kappa


This Charter member of the Chapter at Tuskegee is the Mother of my Graduate Advisor when I pledged. I have had many meals at her house and never knew she was the Charter Member until this Homecoming. It was great seeing Soror Ophelia! I snapped this pic and immediately tagged her Daughter in it while I was there!


Our annual Homecoming Photo-Op

My girlfriend and I went to High School together and she said she forgot I didn’t go to school with her at TU lol.


More of my favs from Gamma Kappa (the ATL crew)


I LOVE Tuskegee’s Homecoming! It’s truly THEE BEST HOMECOMING EVER!

Do you participate in Homecoming?

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